Flight Behavior (a novel planning course), Winter 2025 deposit ($100 of $500)

Flight Behavior (a novel planning course), Winter 2025 deposit ($100 of $500)


generative novel planning workshop

ONLINE ONCE WEEKLY | Wednesdays, January 22 - February 26

6 weeks + daily prompts/resources

$500 ($450 for past Fledglings and paid newsletter subscribers)

Always wanted to write a book, but unsure how or where to start? Stuck on chapter four and searching for support? In our weekly sessions we'll discuss the bones of creating a successful first draft that reads like a third. Lessons range in topic from outlining, to developing setting, to identifying a plot, with a special emphasis on your book’s leader: character. We'll turn to examples from master novelists to light our way and write together in class to hone our skills and develop lots of ideas.

During the height of fall migration, birds are on the move every day. Along with meeting weekly over Zoom, we’ll aim to write a thousand words daily, keeping each other accountable through a shared Google log, ultimately writing over 20,000 words. (However, if this is too much of a time commitment, you can opt to do what you can with the prompts, saving others for later, and just stick with the weekly meetings).

This class is ideal for seasoned and amateur writers with a novel idea or rough draft who produce more with the aids of structure and a community of peers. Though "novel" implies fiction, memoirists and creative non-fiction writers working on a book length project are also welcome.

capacity = 8 participants

Balance to be paid one week before our first session. Payment plans available upon request.

(If PayPal is so not your jam or you have trouble with this page, please email fledgling@fledglingworkshops.com to register).

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