Meet your new writing coach

Hi, I’m Sammi. 

I don’t believe in criticizing freshly written material. But I strongly believe in writing it. 

Writing is an art form anyone can (and arguably should) do, because we all have an endless cavern full of the material needed to make it. The ideas and stories living inside you are the medium with which you sculpt words into art. But writers don’t find their material on the shelves of the art store. We have to mine for ours introspectively, spitting it out onto the page. 

There are a myriad of particular obstacles that get in the way of developing that material. Lack of time, lack of support, lack of inspiration. Sound familiar? At Fledgling we gather that precious material together--a whole lot of it--whether through independent study, individual coaching, or group generative workshops. But one thing is always certain: we write.

The best and maybe only way to learn to write well is to do it and do it often. You have to learn what makes your particular voice sing. And the only way to hear it is to try and to listen. 

That’s what we do at Fledgling. Try and listen. 

Already inside you is everything you need to be a writer. Let me help you reach it.


Her dedication to her students and craft is really inspiring to see... I kind of feel like Sammi is that teacher you see in certain movies but don’t think they exist in real life.
— Participant testimonial

get to know Sammi

Sammi is the author of the creative writer’s guided journal, Words in Progress (DK) and basically obsessed with the feeling of catching an idea and writing it down.

Sammi studied creative writing at Colorado College and later at the Vermont College of Fine Arts for her MFA. Some of her essays, poetry, and stories can be found in Slate, Buzzfeed, Literary Hub, Glamour, PANK Magazine, Hobart, and The Penn Review, along with many gracious others.

She has helped thousands of writers approach or return to the page, and she wants to write with you!